PROMOTION Divorce Where do you begin when your relationship ends:? ou may have realised that your relationship has come to an end because problems have arisen, or it has simply 3, FIND YOUR MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE The original certificate is required in order to issue divorce proceedings. Ifyou cannot locate it oeder a replacement. Plan for your meeting, think about what information you need and what questions you want to ask. A good divorce lawyer should help you find other experts to help you through the process such as a mediator therapist or a divorce coach run its natural course. Many people struggle with what to do next. Here are my sugsestions: 4. GET ORGANISED In order to consider how the matrmonial inances should be split, a clearpicture is 1. TAKE A STEP BACK Are you certain that your relationship is required ol what is in the matrimonial over? You may want to consider couples pot.Make a listofassets, liabilities counselling or some time apar? Make pensions and income and gather bogether sure you have properly thought through the relevant paperwork. Thinkabout future this life changing decision iving arrangements and obtain costings SUPPORT 2. PRIORITISE THE CHILDREN Despite the breakdown of your relationship, you are still parents and 5, GET You will need the help of intelligent, experienced, intuitive and trustworthy need to co-parent and work togethr pe.Consulta d Treat each other with respect and be mindful of the impact of your decisions on the children. advice enables you to make informed decisions which can shorten your case and make it easier to obtain a setement If you have any questions or queries on divorce or separation please contac Stephanie Dew. Senior Solicitor and Head of Family at MG solickors on 0207 936 6329 Stephane A law firm established in Arundel providing a unique service to our clients in the South East through our devotion, commitment and personal care We offer legal services in the following areas FAMILY LAW CRIMINAL LAW FRAUD, BUSINESS CRIME & REGULATORY LAW CIVIL LAWEDUCATION LAW 02907 936 6529 MG ux MGSOLICITORS.Co.UK MONAN GOZZE LONDON SUSSEX HAMPSH